Support For Single Mothers and Fathers

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Single Parent Of Multiple ChildrenSingle parenting is probably one of the toughest jobs any person could have. Whether you’re a single mother or a single father doesn’t matter, you are bound to face some challenges on your journey of raising your child or children alone. You’ll have to be a caring and nurturing mother and a disciplining and stabilizing father all in the same day and move seamlessly between these roles! Being a single parent is hard work, but it can also be one of the most rewarding roles you will ever accept.

Regardless of your reasons for being a single parent, we hope to provide you with information, advice, tips and support to help you navigate the challenges of parenting a child alone. Start by exploring some of our popular single parenting articles and please leave us your comments and feedback.

Challenges Single Parents Face

Single Mothers by ChoiceParenthood is a challenge in itself and as a single parent the challenges are often multiplied. As a single mother, you are faced with an emotional overload of balancing the priorities of your child or children and those of your own. Single mothers often put themselves second to their children and neglect their own emotional needs. It is crucial as a single parent to ensure you do not neglect your own needs as you are the sole care taker.

As a single parent it is also challenging to be the sole provider financially. Balancing a job or a career while being the single parent is no mean feat, and a support system can prove to be very helpful. Having friends or extended family members willing to help can alleviate many challenges being faced. Do not be afraid to ask for help. Responsibility overload as a single mother means you are the one making all the decisions and making sure your child’s needs are being met. Juggling work, the household and parenting can feel like a large mountain to climb but by asking for help from extended family or friends might turn that mountain into a hill.

Getting Help as a Single Mother

Being a single mom or single dad, you may need financial help. In the case of a divorce, if you were previously a stay-at-home mom during the marriage, you may not have a job and the financial support you receive from your ex-husband might not be enough. Being a single parent can lead to many options.

Single mothers or single fathers living in the U.S. has access to many grants, and can find grants through the federal government, state government, as well as accessing the private sector, colleges and businesses. Applying for a loan as a single parent might be an option. Alternatively, if you would like to further your education and obtain a degree, you can apply for a government grant or scholarship. Working from home or earning money on line could alleviate your day to day stresses of balancing single parenting and a job. Any benefits, tax credits and related government-sponsored assistance are given 100% to the primary carer if the secondary parent does not have the ability to financially care for their child.

As a single parent who has suddenly become single after an acrimonious divorce, the new title of being a single mother can be rather alien – sounding and perhaps a little daunting. You can go online and receive help by talking to other single mothers or single fathers in similar situations. There are many websites available about single parenting advice where you can reach out for information and support. Sharing single parenting experiences through discussion boards, blogs and forums will make you feel you are not alone.

Supporting Single Parent Families

Being a parent in a two parent household is hard enough, having to play the mother and father role in a single parent family can be overwhelming and challenging. There is no reason to go through this alone. There are numerous support groups and other single parents that have or are going through the same thing. If you feel like you can’t cope or if you need some assistance, make use of some of our articles and information we have on our site. Not only do we offer a sounding board for you on any of our comment threads, but we also help with many of the small things that can often make you feel overwhelmed and stressed out. Remember, families come in all shapes and sizes and ultimately, what defines a single parenting family like any other family is love, commitment and care.