The Quest for Parenting Knowledge

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My name is Luke. I am a single dad to twelve-year-old Dylan and fourteen-year-old Joey. My beautiful wife, Kate, lost her fight against breast cancer two years ago. Since then I have been doing my utmost to raise my boys as best I can. In my two years as a single parent, I have consulted a whole lot of material on single parenting, from the web to books. Boy is there a lot of junk out there. Believe you me. I have seen my fair share of single parenting articles online and I can tell a good single parenting article from a bad single parenting article.

Like many single parents looking for advice on how to raise their kids, I started out on the net. I was in my office at work during lunch checking my seemingly endless list of e-mails and looking up the day’s news online when I decided I could do with a single parenting article. So I went onto and typed in the phrase single parenting article.

Not surprisingly, my search bore pages and pages of hits. Now, don’t get me wrong. I definitely have not read every single parenting article ever to be written and dispersed world wide on the web. I have, however, trawled through enough to know that a quick search online ain’t enough to help me parent alone. Ask my boys and they’ll tell you. No problem.

While it is beneficial to consult a single parenting article or two, the most valuable advice is to be found elsewhere. As far as I’m concerned, the best way to quell your quest for knowledge and advice on single parenting is by consulting professionals on single parenting – in written and human form.

Talking – and Listening – to the Pros

The results of my online single parenting article search included a number of academic articles on single parenting. When I advise you talk to the pros, I am not necessarily talking about scholars. Unless you are personally interested in scientific (and other) research on single parent families, these articles are hardly worth consulting.

You may learn a lot about post-structuralist interpretations of the woman-run household but it probably won’t do your single parenting much good. The best information I have found on single parenting has been the work of psychologists, psychiatrists and family therapists with extensive hands-on experience working with single parents.

Often these professionals are single parents themselves. Although some such professionals have produced a single parenting article or two, most present their work in books, seminars and private sessions. My two-year quest for parenting knowledge has taught me that the destination of a perfect single parent is far, far away. In the mean time, I am making the most of my journey with Dylan and Joey.