The Best Cities for Single Moms

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As a single mother there are a lot of demands on your resources and on your time and you may feel just a little overwhelmed by your life situation. However what many single mothers don’t know is that there are places across the country that are better to live in than others of you are a single mother.

The best cities for single moms are found predominantly in the states listed below. Although this article will focus mainly on these states, the top ten best cities for single moms are generally considered to be Rochester, NY, Port St. Lucie, FL, Bakersfield, CA, Ann Arbor, MI, Fort Meyers, FL, Fresno, CA, Green Bay, WI, Pittsburgh, PA, Lincoln, NE, and Des Moines, IA.

As you can see several of these cities fall into the states mentioned below. The states mentioned below are the best states overall to live in if you are a working mom who needs to ensure that your child is carefully cared for while you are at work. They are also among the states that offer the best imaginable benefits for single parents who want to do the best that they can in looking after their children from day to day.

The best cities for single moms

The following is a comprehensive list of the best cities for single moms and which states that they can be found in. The data is based on such things as child care benefits that are available in those states as well as the various tax breaks that single mothers living in those states can expect to receive for their status of being a single parent.


There are many states to living in the state of California and many of the best cities for single moms can be found in this state. When it comes to childcare, for example, you are eligible for up to 6 weeks leave to:

  • Care for a child
  • Bond with a new child

Another ideal aspect about this state which directly benefits single mothers is the fact that there is a relatively small wage gap between men and women, so single mothers will earn fairly well in this state.

A program that has been put into place in this state to assist single mothers in getting childcare for their children while they are at work is CalWORKS. This is a method through which you can arrange subsidized childcare of the highest quality for your children. However as the childcare facilities in California are not inspected as often as would be ideal it is up to you as the parent to look into each facility carefully yourself.
Other grants and benefits for single mothers living in the best cities for single mothers in California are the following:

  • Medicaid
  • California’s Housing and Community Development Program
  • Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
  • Student Aid Commission
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

District of Columbia

For women looking for the best cities for single moms in the United States it is important to remember that the District of Columbia is possibly one of the best options that are in existence at present. This is because, as the District of Columbia is the heart of the country, there are many stable and well-paying government jobs available in this state, making it by far one of the better options to consider for single mothers. As compared to other states there is a higher percentage of women working in managerial and professional jobs in the District of Columbia, meaning that on average the women who work here are paid a lot more than their counterparts in other cities. A big part of being a successful single mother lies in providing for all of your family’s needs. There is also a very tiny gap between the wages earned by men and women in this state.
Other perks include:

  • Paid maternity leave
  • Paid sick days
  • The strictest childcare regulations ensuring the safety of your child while you are at work


Some of the best cities for single moms can be found in Florida, the sunniest state in the country. There are a number of for single mothers advantages who choose to live in Florida cities. For one thing this is one of the few states that not only has the best in childcare services but also tends to have more open spaces for children in these services than there are children to fill them. This means that you can be more-or-less guaranteed of getting your child into a top quality facility if you choose to live in this state. There are however very few women working in managerial positions. Despite this there is not a very big gap in terms of how much men and women earn in this state. Other grants and benefits available from various agencies and for various reasons for single mothers living in the best cities for single moms in Florida are:

  • Medicaid
  • Medikids
  • Emergency Financial Assistance for Housing Program (EFAHP)
  • Section 8 Housing
  • Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Student Financial Assistance Office
  • Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA)


There are a number of rules and regulations in place in Hawaii that can really benefit single mothers, making the cities of Hawaii among the best cities for single moms in the world. It may surprise you to know that it is not a standard perk to receive maternity leave and that Hawaii is one of the few states that offer this benefit. In addition to that single mothers can receive paid leave in order to care for an ill child, something that is generally necessary for single moms who often have no one else on hand to take care of their sick kids for them. There is also a very low unemployment rate for women in this state. However there is one disadvantage and this is that it is far from easy to find adequate childcare in this the cities of this state, especially for young children.
Other grants and programs that make Hawaii’s cities among the best cities for single moms in the world are the following:

  • Medicaid
  • Transitional Medical Assistance Program (TMA)
  • Section 8 Housing
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families


There are a number of huge childcare benefits that make the cities of Massachusetts among the best cities for single moms that are currently available:

  • There are more childcare facilities than there are children to fill them
  • The facilities offered are of only the best quality and are therefore among the best in the country

However one of the drawbacks of the cities of Massachusetts is that the childcare facilities, although they are excellent, are also very expensive, which means that often single mothers struggle to afford them. There are a number of financial aids packages in place, such as the Income-eligible Child Care Program that exist to help single moms afford these facilities. Other grants and programs available for single mothers living in the best cities for single moms in Massachusetts are:

  • Medicaid
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
  • Specialized studies programs
  • Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC)

The above mentioned grants and programs are just a few examples of the many options that single mothers who choose to live in Massachusetts have in order to help them keep their small families afloat.

New Jersey

New Jersey is one of the few states that gives paid family leave every year, which is a great perk for single mothers needing to spend time with their children and also goes a long way to making the cities of New Jersey some of the best cities for single moms in the country. The cities in this state have a large percentage of women working in managerial positions and no less than 31 of the districts in this state provide free preschool for all children living there. One thing to keep in mind when it comes to looking for facilities for your child to be taken care of in while you work is that home-based childcare facilities are not license din the state so you need to be careful about simply placing your child in such a facility.
Other programs from which single mothers living in the best cities for single moms in New Jersey can make use of are the following:

  • Department of Human Services Office
  • Medicaid
  • Homelessness Prevention
  • The Food Stamp Program
  • Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
  • Tuition Assistance Grant
  • Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP)
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

New York

Single mothers can benefit greatly when living in New York State or New York City for a variety of reasons. One of the leading reasons in why some of the best cities for single moms can be found in New York State is that single women are eligible for paid maternity leave, something that is simply not available in every state. there is also a chance that very soon a legislation will be passed that will allow for single mothers living in these cities to receive paid family leave allowing them to take leave for family obligations. Another thing that makes New York a great place for single moms to live is that the wage difference between men and women is so low that it is practically non-existent.
Some other perks and programs that go towards making New York cities some of the best cities for single moms are the following:

  • New York’s Children and Family Services office childcare subsidy programs
  • Medicaid
  • Child Health Plus
  • Family Health Plus program
  • The Food Stamp Program
  • Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
  • The New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)


One of the biggest worries on the minds of single mothers is the issue of childcare. When you are working your child needs to receive appropriate care form a trustworthy source. The reason why Oklahoma is said to house some of the best cities for single moms is that in this state free childcare in the form of access to pre-K programs is available across the board for all children. You can also rest assured that the quality of the childcare will be good as it is well monitored and strictly controlled. This high level of monitoring extends to home-based facilities as well giving single mothers a wider variety of options to choose from. The cost of childcare is also very low and there is a very low unemployment rate for women living in this state. One drawback is the relatively small number of women employed in managerial positions.
There are also a number of other programs and benefits available in the best cities for single moms in Oklahoma. They are:

  • Department of Human Services (OKDHS) childcare subsidy programs
  • Medicaid
  • Oklahoma’s Housing Choice Voucher Program
  • Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

Rhode Island

Although Rhode Island may be one of the smallest states in the country there are still a number of great perks that make the cities of Rhode Island among the best cities for single moms to live in the entire country. The state’s temporary disability insurance program allows for women to receive paid maternity leave, a perk that is not guaranteed in all states across the country. The childcare facilities provided in the state are among the best. They are inspected regularly and thoroughly and there are a lot of them. You will be able to go to work knowing that your child is being cared for in the best facility possible and that their safety is guaranteed. Unemployment is fairly high for both men and women in this state, but the other perks may well outweigh this con.
There are a few other things that make the cities of Rhode Island among the best cities for single moms in the country:

  • Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP)
  • Medicaid
  • RIte Care plan
  • RIte Share
  • Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
  • RI Works Program


One of the top reasons why this state holds some of the best cities for single moms is that it is a leader as far as the quality of its childcare facilities are concerned. Another great advantage is the workplace flexibility that single mothers living here can expect experience. With this flexibility you will be able to spend more time doing those important things with your children and ensuring that the bond between you and them remains strong. Family leave legislation is expected to be passed soon which will allow single mothers to get paid leave for the purpose of dealing with family situations or simply to spend time with their children. One possible disadvantage of living here is the fact that childcare can turn out to be rather costly in the long run, but there are programs in place to help you pay.
There are a number of other little things that make the cities of Washington among the best cities for single moms in the country. These perks and advantages are:

  • Working Connections Child Care Program
  • Medicaid
  • Washington State Health Insurance Pool
  • Housing and rent subsidies
  • Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
  • Basic Food Program
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

With the above benefits it becomes possible for single mother to afford nearly anything in this state.

The best cities for single moms to find love

When considering the best cities for single moms we need to consider what it is exactly that single mothers are looking for. The above-mentioned factors are all related to the well-being of your child, which is, of course, a very important thing to take into consideration. However single mothers who are interested in finding love and getting back in the dating game should consider the idea of relocating to the following cities: Yonkers, NY, Alpharetta, GA, Newport News, VA, Beverly Hills, CA, New Haven, CT, Schenectady, NY, Olympia, WA, Fairfax, VA, Green Bay, WI, and Rockville, MD.

When it comes to determining the best cities for single moms there are a lot of factors that come into play. It is important to remember that a city that works well for certain single mothers may not be the best option for others. This is because each family headed by a single mother is different and therefore brings different needs to the equation that can only be dealt with in a very specific way. When you do your research into which city is best for you and your children to live in remember to consider your personal situation. Think about what you need and the try to find a city that matches those desires. For example, if you need to find a city that offers free childcare as you cannot afford it yourself you should elevate those cities that offer this benefit to the highest priority.