Positive Discipline for Single Parents

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In Positive Discipline for Single Parents: Nurturing, Cooperation, Respect and Joy in Your Single-Parent Family by Jane Nelsen Ed.D., Cheryl Erwin and Carol Delzer you will be provided with the information you need to be a successful single parent.

Non – punitive Methods

Where possible it is better to use non – punitive methods to discipline your children. Rather then immediately resorting to punishment it may be better to reason with your children and talk to them about what it is they have done wrong. In this way you can work with your child in order to ensure that they make wise decisions about their behavior. This is not easy to do, but as it is one of the main topics addressed in Positive Discipline for Single Parents: Nurturing, Cooperation, Respect and Joy in Your Single-Parent Family, you should definitely read this book if you are having this problem.


A divorce or separation is an earth shattering event for a child and it is important that you help them deal with this tough transition in any way possible. This includes creating a good relationship with your ex. As the book mentions, it is essential to achieve this as soon as possible. You and your ex will be raising your children together, even if you are divorced or separated, and it will be far easier for your child to adapt to the situation if a good co-parenting relationship is established.

Budgeting Time

It is important, according to Positive Discipline for Single Parents that you put time aside for family activities. This is one of the ways to ensure success as a single parent, and this book will help you do this more efficiently.


As a single parent you may not always be completely sure about what constitutes a problem in your family. That’s where this book comes in. It will help you identify problems before they become serious and will help you prevent those problems as well as deal with them if they have already happened.

The authors, Jane Nelsen, Cheryl Erwin and Carol Delzer, are therapists with a great deal of experience in the family and parenting arenas. When looking for help with the very important task of raising your children effectively, then it is definitely best to consult the experts. Being a single parent is a very daunting task, but you need to remember that you are not alone and that you also not the first person to ever deal with this situation. All the help you need can be found in Positive Discipline for Single Parents: Nurturing, Cooperation, Respect and Joy in Your Single-Parent Family.